Sunday, February 26, 2012

Playing With Colors

My original idea for this photo, as often happens, was nothing like how it turned out. I wanted to brighten the image a bit and maybe play with the colors of the sky to make them a bit more iridescent. Instead, I ended up finding the "invert color" button. I had been changing the hue and saturation of different areas of the sky using the quick selection tool, but wanted something a bit more drastic...and I got it. I played with the hue and saturation of different areas of the beach to make the red-white color a bit less monotone, then called it a day. I really like how the lady walking on the beach is much more noticeable in my final work. Maybe I should call it "Nighttime on Extraterrestrial Beach".

1 comment:

  1. Good description of your working process and thoughts behind your decisions. "Nightime on Extraterrestrial Beach" is an appropriate name. Please post your self portrait work too. I look forward to following your progress with your work.
