Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Dreams, PhotoShop Style

To be honest, this is a pretty accurate interpretation of what my dreams look like on any given night. I started creating this strange, abstract concoction by taking a couple pictures of Scotland's beautiful sky, making them black and white, playing with the contrast, and pasting them on top of each other to make the neat shadows in the clouds. I rotated one of the pictures so they would align, and really like how it worked out. I then selected pieces of a few other pictures - myself mid-jump, fireworks, a bear from a zoo in Guatemala, and a stop sign on a street in Antigua - and moved them onto the background. I played with each piece separately as a new layer, and as I was satisfied with the outcome I merged layers together to simplify what I was working with. I placed different effects on each piece as well, making it look like I'm fading into the stop sign and background.

Here are some of the pictures I used to make the montage:

1 comment:

  1. Good posting - good description of your process and interesting to see all the original images that went into making one new dreamscape. It seemed like you enjoyed this assignment - make another! You should also post images and writings from your midterm project.
